Successful Three Across thread


Senior Community Member
Since doing 3 across seems to be a common question lately I thought I would start a thread about it.

Please post here if you have been able to successfully do 3 carseats across.

Let us know the vehicle make and year, how the carseats are installed (ie. seatbelt (and what kind) or LATCH), which way the seats are facing in the configuration (rf or ff), which seats you used and if you are not a tech if they have been checked.

If you have a picture that you would like to include that would be great, if not it's not a big deal

*Lets keep this an informative thread, if you have a question please start a new thread*


Senior Community Member
Make/Model/Year: Honda Accord '96
Install method: Seatbelts and top tether, outboard seats are lap/shoulder with lapbelt in the middle
Configuration of seats: all Forward-facing (FF)
Seats used: MA, Radian, MA
Checked by a Tech: Yes


Make/Model/Year: Rendezvous '06
Install method: outboard FF - LATCH with tether, middle FF - lapbelt with tether, Outboard RF LATCH
Configuration of seats: FF, FF, RF
Seats used: MA, Radian, snugride
Checked by a Tech: Yes

Will add a picture later.

Stretchy Glue

New member
05 Envoy

Husky (SB/TT) Radian FF (SB/TT) MA RF(LA/TT)
Husky (SB/TT) Scenera FF (SB/TT) FPSVD RF/FF (LA/TT)

I know there are others, and I'll be playing around with it and infant seats this weekend. I'll come up with more (and post pics later.)


New member
2002 Honda Odyssey, third row, all seatbelts, all FF except the infant seat:

Marathon/Decathlon, Starriser Comfy, Marathon
Marathon/Decathlon, FPSV Booster, Marathon
Cargo, Starriser Comfy, TurboBooster
SafeSeat1 w/base, Scenera, Starriser Comfy

2006 Honda Accord (still looking for something better in this car):

Backless Turbo, Marathon, Adult Seatbelt (no CRS) - all seatbelts
Backless Turbo, Marathon, SafeSeat1 w/o base


Moderator - CPST Instructor
2007 Saturn Outlook

2nd row bench, passenger outboard/center/driver outboard

Rf'ing MA with LATCH/Ff'ing Radian with seatbelt/Rf'ing safeseat 1 with seatbelt.
(Tight squeeze getting the SS1 next to the Radian.)
Checked by tech: Yes

Pardon the poor picture, it was taken at night with our DV cam when our digi cam was in for repairs. :rolleyes:



New member
you above have me beat! lol. How do you get the MA's in tight with seat belt? Anyways,

here's my info

3rd row of 03 honda ody seat belts
Britax Parkway, MA/FPSV, Graco Turbo. I was very surprised i fit the Pkwy beside the MA but the MA base is smaller than its HIPS as as i call them. I have to buckle the older kids in as its a tight fit but works! Usually its dds friends in that row in the boosters and they LOVE to play with one of my boys :p Dd thinks she is queen in 2nd row bucket with other brother!;)


New member
I don't have pics of all of these, except my siggy, but here is all the configurations i have been able to do. All of these are with seatbelt(but I can get the same installs with LATCH too), i can also replace any of the seats with a FPSV booster.

RF fpsvd or ss1, FF Radian or TurboBooster, CarGo

RF fpsvd or ss1, regent, FF radian

RF fpsvd or ss1, regent, RF fpsvd or ss1

RF fpsvd or ss1, regent, FF fpsvd

FF fpsvd, regent, FF fpsvd

RF fpsvd or ss1, FF radian, FF radian

FF radian, RF fpsvd or ss1, FF radian

FF radian, FF radian, RF fpsvd or ss1
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New member
toyota camry 1998/99
Seats: RFing Radian, Peg perego Primo Viaggio (carrier) Eddie Bauer Carrier. no matter where you put each one. Most common for us is Eddiebauer center (her mom's car) and my seats outboard, radain on the passenger side.
checked by tech, no, but all seats are independantly tight, they only touch after both carriers are in


Senior Community Member


Britax Boulevard/ Britax Parkway/ Graco Safeseat (not easy to buckle Parkway AT ALL!!)
Britax Boulevard/ Graco Safeseat/ Britax Parkway
Britax Regent/ Britax Boulevard/ Peg Perego Primo Viaggio SIP
*all installed with seatbelt



I know there are more so I'll come back later and add them in


New member
02 Chevy Venture 3rd row
Highback Turbo, Keyfit with base, Highback Turbo
All seatbelts

I have also done:
03 Nissan Murano
Graco Cargo, Highback Turbo, Highback Turbo
Driver Side Latch, Seatbelt, Seatbelt

98 Chevy Silverado ext cab
Highback Turbo, Graco Cargo, Highback Turbo

Not as impressive as all of the convertible 3 across, but all I had to work with!


New member
2003 Toyota Camry

Britax Parkway/FF MA/FF Radian
MA was installed with the seatbelt, Radian with LATCH.
Checked by myself, rock solid for both installed seats. PW was a pain the buckle though.


2003 Toyota Camry

Britax Parkway/Graco Safeseat/FF Marathon
Safeseat and MA both installed with seatbelts, MA pushed to the edge of seating position. Solid installs, but the Safeseat was a bit difficult to snap into the base because it was up against the front edge of the MA.
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New member
I have several different 3-across successes, but only have a picture of one of them. I'll do that one last.

2005 Toyota Sienna LE8
3rd row
FF MA/Graco Cargo/FF MA
passenger side MA - LATCH; Cargo - seatbelt; driver's side MA - seatbelt

2005 Toyota Sienna LE8
3rd row
hb Turbo/FF MA/PW
MA installed w/seatbelt

1998 Chevy Lumina sedan
Driver's side: hb Turbo
center: Graco Cargo
passenger side: RF EF Horizen
all obviously with seatbelt

2005 Chevy Classic Sedan
FF MA/FF Touriva/hb TB
all installed w/seatbelts

1995 Subaru Legacy (wagon)
PW/FF Touriva/hb TB (all w/seatbelts)

1995 Subaru Legacy (wagon)
PW/FF MA/PW (all w/seatbelts)
also: PW/RF Touriva/PW

1995 Subaru Legacy (wagon)
Driver's Side: Husky
Center: FF MA
Passenger Side: RF Touriva
(This set-up should have a "Do NOT try this at home!!" caption LOL It's not easy at all, but it was our only car for a while, so I just did it :p)


New member
Make/Model/Year: Honda CRV 03
Install method: Latch outboard, belt middle
Configuration of seats: RFing, FFing, Infant
Seats used: Marathon, Radian, Safeseat
Checked by a Tech: No

Make/Model/Year: Honda CRV 03
Install method: Latch outboard, belt middle
Configuration of seats: FFing, FFing, Infant
Seats used: Marathon, Radian, Safeseat
Checked by a Tech: No
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New member
2000 VW Jetta

FF MA /RF FPSVD /FF BLVD Very Tight!! Edited to add, All were Seatbelt installs.


I've also gotten 3 across the back row of my 2005 Toyota Sienna

FF FPSVD/ FF FPSVD / Cosco Low Back Booster (Tried a Graco, but it was too tight.) I don't have pictures.

And I don't think there is one 3 across you couldn't get in the middle row of the Sienna. Well maybe 3 Regents, but you could probably do that as well.
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New member
1990 Corolla (not checked by tech)
rf regal ride, ff radian, fp booster
ff radian, rf regal ride, fp booster
fp booster, ff regal ride, fp booster
ff radian, ff fpsv convertible, fp booster.

Third row 04 Honda Ody:
fp booster, ff radian, fp booster

Third row 05 Town and Country:
Graco Cargo, ff regal ride, cosco highrise

All of these are seatbelt installs.
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New member
Make/Model/Year: Volvo V70 2004
Install method: outboard FF - LATCH with tether, middle FF -lap/shoulder , Outboard FF LATCH w/tether
Configuration of seats: FF, FF, FF
Seats used: MA, FPSVD booster, Radian
Checked by a Tech: No


Make/Model/Year: Volvo V70 2004
Install method: outboard RF - LATCH , middle FF -lap/shoulder w/tether, Outboard RF seatbelt--no base
Configuration of seats: RF, FF, RF
Seats used: Graco infant seat--no base(came w/travel system, very similar to the snugride), MA, Graco snugride with base
Checked by a Tech: No


New member
My 3 across so far:


99 Dodge Caravan (3rd row)
FF Radian, snugride, FF Radian--all seatbelts
FF Radian, FF Bolero, FF Radian--all seatbelts

08 Honda Civic
safeseat w/o base, FF Radian, FF Radian--all seatbelts
FF Radian, safeseat w/ base, Parkway--all seatbelts
safeseat w/o base, FF Radian, RF Radian--all seatbelts
Parkway, RF Radian, Parkway--all seatbelts
Parkway, RF Radian, FF Radian--all seatbelts

This is the only pics I currently have:

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